Semi-Important Information
This is the website address of the school we will be teaching at:
At the bottom of the main page, there is the mailing address for the school, as well as the phone and fax number. If you need to get a hold of us and can't via email, this is your "Plan B." We will also be using the school address as our mailing address. So all of you kind folks that want to send care packages, this is the address to mail to.
Also, we just learned recently what our teaching assignments will be, and the schedule looks like this:
1.grade 10 hours per week ( 10 students) :Jessica
2.grade 10 hours per week ( 9 students) : Jessica
4. grade 8 hours( 5 students) :Clayton
5.grade 8 hours ( 5 students):Clayton
6.grade 8 hours ( 6 students) :Clayton
10.grade 4 hours ( 22 students):Jessica
11.grade4 hours ( 14 students) : Jessica
So I get 28 hours and week and Clayt gets 24. Not bad! Everything is falling into place, slowly but surely. Our car has been deemed a "total loss" after the accident, which works out great for us -- no more car payments! And, after much distress and worrying, we learned last night that our wonderful friends Paul and Tia are moving into a new apartment and they will be taking our cats! We are so excited and grateful for this! They've promised to send us photos of them every month (was that a joke?) -- anyways, everything is going great. so far.