Back to the Grind
And so summer is over and we are in the middle of the first term of the school year. I'm teaching grades 2, 3 10 and TOEFL. Clayt has grades 7,8,9 and 11. He's teaching 24 hours a week, and I'm teaching 32. Things seem to be going well so far. Last weekend we had a picnic with the younger students. It was a good time in general. Here's some pictures of the kids.
This is Mandy and Delgerchimeg, playing house.
Some of my wild 3rd grade boys. One of them later put a sharp stick into a hole at the bottom of the slide so it would stick into whoever came down the slide next.
A close up of one of my third graders, Munkhkhuslen.
On a different note, thanks so much to all of you who sent packages, called or sent emails for my birthday. It really helped make the day special. Clayt and I went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant, and then got harassed by a taxi driver yet again. He wanted 3 times the fair amount, and when clayt offered a compromise, he tried to drive away with Clayt still in the car. So, clayt had to get out while the car was trying to peel out of the parking area.
For those we unintentionally left in the dark - we are no longer pursuing service with the Peace Corps. We received a nomination a while back, and were told it would be for spring of 2008, somewhere in Asia. We would both be English teachers. Clayt had been offered an internship at Mercy Corps here at around the same time. He figured that the opportunities offered working for Mercy Corps were more related to his career goals than teaching english for 2 years (after already teaching here for a year and a half). As for me, I can teach English practically anywhere, so I'm easy to please. So, after we finish up here in June of next year, the sky is the limit!
Here's another photo. This one is of 2 of the people that live in the little room downstairs. They are the sisters of the mother of the kids that come up and play with us sometimes. The one on the left is 17 and the one on the right is 24. And both look incredibly short when standing next to Clayt or me. They were really happy about having their photos taken.
and by the way - its getting really cold now. we're wearing winter coats and scarves already. aren't you jealous?