..since we've posted any photos! So below are a bunch. We've been so busy lately, and now time is just flying by. Clayton was hired as a consultant by Mercy Corps for a month-long project, which is really good for his resume and wallet! I took on a second job as a private tutor, and am enjoying the good amount of cash-in-hand that it provides me with. I also had another trip to the Mongolian hospital, this time for 5 days because of kidney trouble. Things are ok now. Since our last post, we have had 2 school picnics, a Mongolian Day at school, 2 going away parties for friends, 2 snowstorms, were on a Mongolian kids TV show, and I met with my students from CNCF one last time. So, here's what you haven't seen yet:
Enjoying the sea-saw

Meaghan and I on her last night in Mongolia!

A good-looking group of Americans living in Mongolia!

My last day of teaching with the students at CNCF.

Clayt and I on Mongolian Day at school, that's Clayt's own Deel, mine I borrowed from my friend Rachel.

Clayt with a khazakh student.

Me and the Tenth Grade Girls.

Purevdorj and Ariguun.

Here we are with our e-tickets home on the day we bought them. Can you tell we're excited?

Clayt teaching the boys how to play american football. It was an interesting game to watch, lots of touchdowns.

Me in front of a camel who looks unhappy about being tied to a rock.

On the set of the TV show "Let's Sing Together" which is hosted by 2 friends of ours. Once our episodes air on, they should be on youtube and we'll post a link.

This is our building's elevator. Cozy, smelly, and unpredictable!

Lastly, here is a photo of what the toilets look like here. We don't have these in the states, but here they are what are used in most public places and schools. I think it took me the first 6 months to get used to them, and I still don't like to use them. Notice the handle on the back wall to turn on water which acts like a flusher, but sometimes the water isn't running... notice also the ribbed sides for foot traction. Notice also the lack of toilet paper.