We have finally figured out the secret to uploading pictures successfully! So, hopefully that means we will be posting more regularly again.
About a month ago I started a volunteer job at an orphanage called Casita de Belen. It houses about 40 young orphans (children who are left on the doorstep, some as young as 7 days old, and other children who are removed from their families because of abuse). During the day they also have a school program for children from very poor families. The children are there for the school day, get lunch and snacks, and after-school care until their parents can pick them up. The place is swarming with children. I go on fridays, my day off from my regular job, and help with the babies, play with the kids, and teach 2 hours of English lessons. The kids are so warm, so loving, so eager to hug you. It's been a great experience so far. So, I was telling my one class of students (at my regular job at Colombo) about my experience, and they were interested in helping. So, they came with me twice, to help with giving lessons to the kids, and to visit with the little ones. I think it was a nice experience for my students and the kids as well.
Here's one of my students, Natalia, with one of the little ones.

Me with a little guy who liked to touch my face!

Snack time!

This little one wanted to be held a LOT, cried whenever we put her down, which is of course understandable, and sad.

Another shot of snack time.

Reviewing the english names for animals with the grade 3 students.

My student Diego with his group, playing a memory game i made for the kids.

Then, this past weekend, we were invited to go to the "finca" of the family who founded Casita de Belen. A finca is like a summer house, outside the city where people go to spend the day on the weekends. This finca was pretty impressive, with a large main house, 3 smaller cabins for staff and etc., and a stable for 17 pure-bred horses, seen below.

Here we are in the front yard, enjoying the rare opportunity to have our photo taken together!

Here I am in front of the house, enjoying the view. There were beuatiful flowers everywhere you looked, and an amazing view of the mountains.

Here we are horseriding! The horses were tall and strong, and a little willful, which made it a little scary for me... but we enjoyed it nonetheless, and had good company too, as the people we were riding with have been riding horses for over 13 years!

Some of the beautiful flowers around the house.

There were 3 baby horses born within the last month, and this was one of them!

Another picture of the vast array of flowers around the grounds.

And, lastly, a current event that wasn't so fun. About 11 days ago I was walking past clayton in the kitchen, and hit my foot against his heel in passing. Hurt pretty bad but we thought it was probably just bruised. 9 days later when it still hadn't improved much, I finally went to the doctor to get x-rays. They confirmed I had broken it, and ordered me to stay at home off my feet for 8 days. So, no going to work for me this week! Unfortunately, I didn't help it heal much in those 9 days before going to the doctor - i thought it would just get better, and was trying a little tough love, trying to do things like normal - going running twice, and even out for a night of salsa dancing... apparently not the best thing to do for a broken toe...
So, here i am at home self-medicating with ice on my foot and a glass of wine!