May 9, 2007

Play Time in Apartment 29

Here are some photos of the kids from downstairs hanging out in our apartment. They came up last saturday evening, about half an hour before some folks were supposed to arrive for a "cinco de mayo" party. I had the music going, and they came in and it developed into a dance party, and then turned into a game of dress up, dancing and general bopping around and playing with random stuff they found in our apartment. Such as the camera. Between them I think they took about 30 photos in the hour they were visiting. Then they came back 2 days later and we did the same thing all over again, except this time Clayt and the boy went outside to play basketball while I let the girls raid my closet. They are sweet and goodnatured kids - often when they come up they help me tidy up -they fold the laundry on the drying rack, or wash dishes or sweep. I tried to make the stop before, but they seem to like it. They also like that now our patio door opens, and they can go out on the patio for a few seconds, before rushing back in after pretending to faint from looking down. Good clean fun.

That's StoveTop Stuffing she's eating in the photo above. They really liked it, but their favorite so far has been the wheat ritz crackers my mom sent - they mow them down in no time.

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