October 14, 2007

Getting back to Winter Time

So now its cold here. Not extremely cold, but cold enough for the coat, hat, gloves and scarf. Only 2 weeks left until Fall Break, a week of no classes.

So things haven't been so exciting here lately, but we've snapped a few photos here and there, and thought we show you some of the more ordinary (?) things we see.

This is a building that is being built right behind our apartment. We were so excited that it didn't come any higher, but were rather disappointed when we saw the color they chose to paint it...

And speaking of paint... the whole building is being painted by these two guys with their little roller brushes! Notice one false step and there is nothing to stop them from falling all the way down...

This is one of the more famous buildings in the city here. This is The Wrestling Palace. Its where big concerts take place as well as of course wrestling tournaments. We don't really think its looks live up to its grand title.

Read the fine print inside the bubble. They don't want to held accountable for false claims.

We like their choice of words for this ad. "Inevitable." You can't avoid it. Just hand over your money, its going to happen sooner or later apparently.

This is the oh so pretty view we see as we walk to the grocery store. Notice you can see 4 construction cranes in the shot. This city is growing and springing up new buildings all around us at an amazing pace.

This is my third grade class this year. Aren't they cute? Please admire the nice way I decorated their board with the colorful paper Josh and Char Maring sent us...

And this is the second grade class this year - just as much little devils as they were last year...

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