November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, and other stuff!

J- Our Thanksgiving this year was in no way traditional, although we did try to include some elements from home. We had our celebration at our friend's house, Meghan and Chris, two americans who work at MercyCorps with Clayton. We had mashed potatoes, green beans, onion salad, biscuits (which turned out badly thanks to our 500 year old russian oven), stuffing (clayt made from scratch!) and mutton. No turkey here in Mongolia, so we settled for a giant leg (and they threw in a neck piece for free, yum) of mutton, and had mutton gravy too. Everything was good, but you know its just not the same as being home with everyone. Then for dessert we had apple pie - square apple pie, since I didn't have a round pie tin. Here's a photo of the work in progress.

Also, the other night the power went out just as we were about to make dinner. It was out for about half an hour or more, in which time we got really bored sitting in the silent darkness. This is just one of many photos that were a product of this boredom.

Last night one of the teachers from our school was over to borrow our dvd player. The box with the speakers inside was way in the back of a cupboard where we couldn't quite reach. Just then our little neighbors came up to visit, and the littlest one was a big help.

So this is the newest teacher at our school. He is a science teacher from Zimbabwe. He has a wife and baby at home, and is pretty lonely and bored here so far. So we took him to dinner last night, then showed him how to use our dvd player and let him take it home with him. Clayton enjoyed the chance to talk about life and politics in Zimbabwe with someone who has experienced things firsthand.

Here is Munkhtuul, showing me her contortionist skills. I wonder if they learn this stuff in gym class?

And here is Munkhtsetseg and Munkhtuul. They are such sweet, helpful girls. I love goofing around with them when they visit.

And, here I am trying to get in on the contortionist act. I don't think I'm cut out for the Mongolian circus just yet.

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