December 4, 2008

Our Apartment

Here are some photos of our apartment on a good day - usually it is much messier, but nobody wants to see that!

In this first one you can see or our little 2 burner stove (at least it's gas). And, there are these strange open parts above each door and window. It is great for fresh air, but not so great for keeping out every sound your neighbors make.

We actually have a pretty big kitchen!

Here is the bedroom - the bed base and tv stand were built by clayt and a friend. The closets came with the place. There are 2 windows in this room too.

This is the bathroom. I took the photo from the shower, which is like a double wide. Stretching our shower curtain as wide as it goes still doesn't reach wall to wall.

Our living room - the tapestry came with us all the way from Mongolia!

The other side of the living room - and our most valuable piece of furniture, the computer desk - where we email, talk to friends and family back home, watch movies, do our work, and listen to music.

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