February 10, 2007

"Skiing" Field Trip

Here are some photos from the "ski" trip we went on with our students in grades 4 through 7. It was actually sledding on tobaggin like sleds made of metal. Here is a photo of clayt standing next to one of the Gers we rented. This is actual size, for clayt and the ger door.

A nice photo of clayt after we climbed up the mountain that was behind our sledding hill. It had a great view, fresh air, and a shaman rock pile.

Here we are, on top of the world, together.

Below is a photo of me in front of the shaman rock pile. To the left you see a couple of kids who climbed up and said hello. We said Hello back, but one of the Mongolian teachers with us said quite sternly "Don't talk to them!!! They just want to ask for money or some other things." Well, whats wrong with that? It sure was quite a hike to get up there, if they came all the way up for a little money, seems like they might need it more than us. Anyways, they never even said anything other than hello, and smiled and waved to us. Why do people have such disdain for those less fortunate?

Here is part of the view worth the climb.

And another part of the view.

This is a photo of Sheridan wearing the traditional Mongolian outfit, called a Del. We saw a guy snowboarding wearing one of these today, it looked pretty cool. Also, you can see that inside the Ger, its actually pretty spacious.

In all it was a fun trip and we're still nursing the bruises from sled collisions and whatnot. This coming weekend is the great big Mongolian New year holiday, and we're taking our first trip out to the countryside on our own. We'll put stories and photos of our 3 day adventure asap, if we survive. :)


Brian said...

i like the picture of your friend Sheridan representing for the "west side"

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess and Clayton!!!
i was just sayin hi and how ya doin so far. Ive heared alot of stuff you guys did over there i miss you both. oh.... we were wonderin if you got the package?

well love ya lots