August 15, 2008

It's been a great summer!

We leave for Colombia in 2 days. We just wanted to thank everyone who went out of their way to help us out this summer, or took the time to visit once or twice! It was great to see so many people while we were home, and I think everyone has heard enough about Mongolia for a while! :) Here are some photos of the rest of our summer - we've enjoyed all your company, and hope some of you will come visit us in warm and sunny Colombia!

here's clayton opening his birthday present - 12 hand selected specialty beers. I think he liked it!

We got to reunite with our kittens (now manly cats)! But I don't think they remembered us.

We went for an overnight visit to Virginia Beach to spend time with my sister and her family. It was great to see them, and fun to play in the ocean too!

Me with 2 of our nieces, before having a nice dinner on the boardwalk.

Me and my sister Elaine!

Clayt and Paul during the very fun DC monument bike tour, enjoying each other's company.

We went camping for a weekend at a state park in Kentucky with my brother, sister and her family. Here's me and bella hamming it up while playing frisbee.

Here's Clayt, being the ever antagonistic uncle!

Me and Hannah -- it's a rare thing to get this sort of smile on camera from her!

Here's all of us, except Bill (he was taking the picture) - Hannah, Miranda, Clayton, Jessica, Bella, Dawn, and Brian.

And lastly, we went to Annapolis last weekend to visit friends Molleda and Koy. Here we are after a few hours of singing karaoke!

We'll post again once we're settled in Cali. I start work on Tuesday and we need to start apartment hunting right away, and find a place for Clayt to take spanish lessons. So, once things are under way, we'll post with details on everything!


Jeannette said...

Hannah has a gorgeous smile - she should show it off more often. Looks like you both had a great summer - so glad to see that you are keeping this blog going. I truly enjoying keeping up with you both. Good luck in Colombia - hope you have safe travels and get settled quickly!

Anonymous said...

Dudes - I could swear we saw you this summer. What no photos to post? That's it! You owe us back rent for the awesome room over the shed with no plumbing and plentiful supply of Virginia's finest bugs. That's what we get for making you walk to the bathroom through the wild Virginian outback to our house. You could have at least charmed your readers with a detailed description of My wrestling match with Jessica in our classy hotel room in Crystal City.

But really, we miss you two very much. The house is empty and the doga are lonely (and the Vidovich's are wondering how they will finish their house without you Clayt).

Love Jamie (and my grammer checking back seat writing husband Ben)