April 17, 2007

School Spirit

jm- Yesterday was a special day at our school, sort of a Mongolian Day. All the students dressed up in their traditional costumes, and there were performances and presentation booths set up in the afternoon. Just wanted to show some pics of the highlights.
Here is the 11th grade class, all dressed up.

And here's some of the first graders. Aren't they so cute?

Here's Clayt with some of the boys from his class.

This is Batmoron, a tenth grader, playing the traditional mongolian istrument, the horse-head violin.

Oyundari performed a nice dance balancing a rice bowl on her head. There was also one on top of each hand, but one fell off and broke about 30 seconds into the performance, so she ditched both.

Here's a photo of the whole gang, or at least most of it. You can see the "King" and "Queen" seated in the middle.

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