September 14, 2008

Contact Information!

So now that we have an apartment and a cell phone, here is our contact info.

Jessica and Clayton Maring
Avenida 8a Norte, No. 14-35
Barrio Granada, Cali, Colombia
Sud America
Telefono Celullar: 310-452-8669

That last part is our cell number, and if you send us something it would be good to include it after the address. To call it from the states however, you would need to first dial the coutry code, 57. If you use skype, just choose the country Colombia, and it will add the country code for you.

Our apartment is a good size. A bedroom, living room, bathroom and big kitchen. Lots of windows and high ceilings make it feel bigger than it actually is. 3 locked doors stand between us and the general public, so it feels pretty safe too. It´s only 2 blocks from my school and 7 blocks from where clayt will start volunteer work on Monday (a human right organization, more on that later from him). Hope you can come visit us sometime, we would love to share this beautiful place with all of you!

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