September 15, 2008

Summer with the Hedmans

So, we spent the majority of the summer in Charlottesville (where I contracted a most virulent strain of poison ivy that only recently dissipated). It was nice to share the family vibe with my sister and hers, despite the fact that we were gone somewhere or other just about every weekend. It passed much faster than I had anticipated, wiling away the days in the idyllic woodlands of southwestern Virginia. So much so, in fact, that our time was almost exhausted before we realized that we hadn’t taken many pictures.

So, highlights of our time in Virginia (not including the poison ivy) included: a trip to Water Country USA, introducing the Hedmans to a number of foods they likely would have been better off without (including falafel and fish sauce, but not together of course), playing with the dogs, frequent trips to the hot tub, trying to breathe through a pvc hose while patching leak in the pool underwater (which didn’t work so well), seeing Ben transform the space above their shed into the start of a wonderful bed-and-breakfast, being unintentionally groped by my sister (don’t ask, you don’t want to know), and reminiscing about events that only seem funny among siblings. Thank you Hedmans (and everyone else we stayed with), for extending such boundless hospitality.

Jess loving Tug

The Hedmans in their natural habitat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thougth we were never to speak of the groping incident again - I am not even sure what I touched!
