October 2, 2008

3 Cross Hill...not to be confused with the WB hit series One Tree Hill

2 weekends ago we atually felt energetic enough to climb the mountain we can see from our kitchen window, known to the locals here as simply "Three Crosses." It was a perfect day for it - hot, sunny, and a Sunday, which means not so many people. The hike up wasn´t bad, only slowed for the fact we had aureliano with us and nobody can resist petting an adorable puppy that is trotting by. At the top was a great view of the city and some vendors selling juices and fresh fruit. We drank fresh squeezed orange juice, ate a few slices of pineapple, and marveled at all the GREEN around us. There was even a little outdoor gym, in case you are a glutton for punishment and the hike up wasn´t enough to exhaust you. Here´s a few photos from the trip:

Clayt with an exhausted Aureliano with Cali behind them.

Me and Aureliano enjoying the view, a little more than halfway up.

At the top, a peek at the city through the trees.

The Gym for the Self-Punishers

One of the few butterflies Clayt was actually able to get a picture of.

Giant Bamboo, on the way down the mountain.

A very big spider, which was fine, until we saw a bunch more...all around us... I got itchy and headed directly for the sunnier part of the path ahead.

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